Donation Events

Teaming Up With Boy Scouts To Feed Neighbors In Need:

Each March Boy Scout Troop 408 will setup a tents at the St. John the Baptist church to allow  parishioners and the public to stop and drop dry good foods, household cleaning products and personal hygiene items for the St. Vincent DePaul (SVDP) food pantry.   SVDP offers these donations  to our neighbors in need via its community outreach efforts with delivery or during the monthly drive thru pantry at the monthly Bountiful Hearts Free Community Meals. 

Clean Out Your Closet Weekend:

SVDP works with the SJTB parishioners and the surrounding community each spring to help with a little "spring cleaning".  SVDP brings in the St. Vincent DePaul donation trailer for a weekend at the church.  Parishioners can then clean out their closets of gently used clothes, shoes and other items such as household furniture items such as lamps, toasters and other items.   Just drive up, pop your trunk and SVDP will gather up the donations and provide you with a receipt if you want one.

St. John The Baptist Parish Picnic at Stricker's Grove      (and Pantry Canned Goods Drive)

Each year the SJTB community has a parish picnic at Stricker's Grover family owned amusement park.  Those who come are encouraged to bring pantry items for donation.   

"Trunk Or Treat"  or "SVDP Donation Event"? Is it both?

Each Fall the SJTB Social Action Committee schedules Trunk-or-Treat as a safe and fun social event kids and their parents.  SVDP Harrison schedules its "Fall Clean Out Your Closet" event around this bringing in the Bank Street offices mobile donation trailer for the weekend.  Gently used clothes and household items are welcomed by friendly SVDP members  as you drive up and drop off.  

NOTE: Pantry Donations are always a welcome .  SVDP gets many calls for assistance financial and other.  If SVDP can provide the neighbors with grocery bags of food it frees up the little money they have to pay rent, utilities or other bills.

Making sure those who need them most get coats

Each year cold weather arrives and many of our neighbors face it without proper winter clothing.  SVDP, St, John The Baptist and the Knights of Columbus team up to provide as many coats as donations, funds and a little group packet digging can provide.  We welcome all help sorting collections, setting up and then distributing them.  Its a great way for kids to get service hours and build family time and values while your children help those struggling to help themselves.

Christmas Should Come to Everyone:

Each year Christmas comes but for some it would not come without the help others.  Many families/parents can't afford Christmas gifts or even the most basic winter clothing for their children or themselves.  We in St. Vincent DePaul at the St John the Baptist conference believe no family should be deprived of Christmas morning memories.    We work in collaboration with the parish to gather neighbor in need Christmas wish lists and post for the parish to select and purchase.  All the gift are gathered, wrapped and then distributed to the our neighbors.